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The simple truth is this; vocational demands made on First Responder and Military couples create a unique hardship for families and marriages. Focus On The Family reports that being a spouse of a First Responder is to be in an At-Risk Relationship (2008). Many reports show Military and First Responder divorce rate to be over 75%. TIME magazine reports that the greatest benefactor of healthy marriages might be the children. Children that come from broken or dysfunctional homes are more likely to drop out of school, more likely to take drugs, more likely to go to prison, more likely to be poor, and more likely to divorce (June 13, 2016). Couples who invest in their marriage are giving a great gift to their children.
Make Room For Marriage works with individual donors, foundations, organizations, and civic leaders to provide this marriage enrichment experiences for Military and First Responders.
Donate HERE to support Marriage Enrichment Experiences for Military and First Responders.

“Having served in the Navy for nine years, I am able to empathize with the hardships that come to families and marriages during military service. I have a deep appreciation of military families and for their service to our country as they provide for our safety. It is in our best interest that their homes and marriages are healthy and happy. I encourage and support all military couples to become involved in marriage workshops offered by Jeff and Martha Rees”
-Congressman Pete Olson
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